A Complete Guide On Writing Your Dissertation Proposal In Law

A research proposal is essentially meant to provide a coherent and precise outline of your intended research. It allows the selectors to evaluate the authenticity of the proposed topic, its breadth as a doctoral study, and the appropriate supervisor once the proposal has been accepted. While there is no standard upper-word limit set on the length of this kind of an academic paper, a law research proposal should not usually be more than 1,500 to 3000 words (excluding the bibliography). Nonetheless, it is paramount that the paper must be concise and clearly demonstrate the ability your ability to convey the central elements of the investigation in a coherent document.

Presentation of the Paper

The proposal is a vital indication of your ability to construct a coherent scholarly document. As such, you must ensure that you check grammar and spelling carefully before you submit the document. Ideally, it should be types, double spaced, and prepared in the recommended font and size. The margins should also be according to the prescribed rules from your law faculty.

The outline

Here is a general guide to an effective structure for a dissertation proposal in law.


You paper must begin with a clear title.

Thesis Abstract/Research Question

The thesis abstract or research question is a substantial and concise statement of the topic and problem you are researching. In the field of law, it may be in the form of a brief abstract of the thesis in approximately 100 words, or a single sentence.

Main Body

The main body or outline of the dissertation proposal is very important when it comes to defining the scope of your study. It provides an essential element of the topic’s development as summarized in the thesis statement. It offers an important opportunity for you to demonstrate competence in the relevant area and your familiarity with the subject.

Research Methodology

This section should provide an outline of the intended or proposed methods of research. For example, research methods can include field work, sociological inquiry, visits to certain archives or libraries, or some other form of inquiry. In many cases, it is important to justify the decision to pursue a particular method of inquiry.


The proposal should be achievable within a reasonable timeframe. It is therefore important to provide a schedule of the timeframe and ensure that you provide room for revisions to the schedule as you progress. Nevertheless, it is expected that you should demonstrate an ability to plan for the activities involved in conducting the study.


This is like a conclusion that sums up everything and highlights the contribution of the study to the field. It should demonstrate an awareness of the main literature in the study area. It should also demonstrate the significance and relevance of the study, as well as the ways in which the proposed study contributes to the work in the field.


The bibliography must be included in any academic paper. Essentially, it is a list of the key relevant sources of literature that you used in the area. In some cases, you may be required to provide an annotated bibliography.

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